RNIF Standard
The RosettaNet Implementation Framework (RNIF) standard defines how systems transport a RosettaNet message. The RNIF standard is a robust transfer, routing, packaging, and security standard. All RosettaNet messaging systems must comply with the RNIF standard to achieve RosettaNet certification.
The standard defines message structure, the need for acknowledgements, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) encoding, and the digital signature. The core standard includes requirements for authentication, authorization, encryption, and non-repudiation. The RNIF standard is based on HTTP, MIME, and XML standards. The RNIF standard does not specify a platform or an enabling application.
BTARN implements two versions of RNIF: RNIF Specification v02.00.01 and RNIF Specification v1.1. RNIF 2.01 added significant functionality beyond that supported by RNIF 1.1, including encryption, attachments, and synchronous transactions. RNIF 2.0 is not backward compatible with RNIF 1.1.