Chapter 2 - Abstract factory 패턴 : 패턴 비빔밥
URLConnection 클래스는 어디에 포커스를 두는가에 따라서 아래 2가지 역활 맡는다.
1. URL Concreate Factory의 Abstract Production
2. IntputStarem interface를 Create하는 Abstract Factory
interface URLConnection
void setDoInput (boolean on);
void setDoOutput (boolean on);
void connect ();
InputStream getInputStream();
abstract class InputStream // used as interface
public abstract int read();
class URL
private String spec;
public URL( String spec ){ this.spec = spec; }
public URLConnection openConnection()
return new HttpURLConnection(this);
class HttpURLConnection implements URLConnection
public HttpURLConnection(URL toHere) { /*...*/ }
public InputStream getInputStream()
return new InputStream()
public int read()
// code goes here to read using the HTTP Protocol
return -1;
public void setDoInput (boolean on) { /*...*/ }
public void setDoOutput (boolean on) { /*...*/ }
public void connect ( ) { /*...*/ }
* 패턴을 오버랩하여 사용하여, 하나의 클래스가 여러 패턴에 참여하는 것은 흔한 일이다 관점의 전환에 익숙해지자